About Us

ETHEORY is a skincare brand that was founded by two individuals who are passionate about helping others achieve healthy, radiant skin. We saw a need in the market for a brand that was dedicated to understanding the underlying causes of skincare issues and to developing effective solutions based on sound principles. 


The “ET” in ETHEORY are the initials of both of the founders of our brand. Our initials reflect our commitment to infusing our personal values and shared vision into every aspect of our brand.

When you choose ETHEORY, you can trust that you are supporting a brand that is founded on honesty, integrity, and a shared belief in the value of hard work and collaboration. 

Why does ETHEORY exist, you might ask?

Well, let’s just say we were tired of the same old skincare options that seemed to prioritize profit over people. We wanted to create a brand that was different - a brand that was grounded in empathy, understanding, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

We are constantly innovating and seeking out new ways to improve the health and appearance of the skin.

By incorporating the word “theory” into the brand name “ETHEORY”, we are positioning ourselves as a trusted authority in the field of skincare and as a provider of high-quality, science-based products and treatments.

There are plenty of other great skincare brands out there. But we like to think that we stand out in a crowd, and that we offer something unique and special to our community. 

We’re not in this for the moolah (although we won’t turn it down). We’re in this because we believe everyone deserves to feel good in their own skin, and because we believe that we can use our brand to make a positive impact in the world.